

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that involves a range of soft tissue techniques, stretching and joint mobilisation to balance movement. By improving and balancing movement to specific areas and tissues, we can affect the circulation and natural healing mechanisms within the body. Osteopaths asses and treat people of all ages from the elderly to the newborn and from pregnant women to sports people.

Osteopaths can help to treat a variety of different conditions including back and neck pain, shoulder and arm problems, pelvis, hip and leg problems, sports and other injuries. However people do find Osteopathy helpful for many other conditions, if you would like more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch and an Osteopath will be more than happy to talk to you.

Osteopathic treatment does not necessarily target your symptoms directly but takes into consideration other parts of the body that may have contributed to the symptoms you feel. In this way Osteopaths use a holistic approach and believe that your whole body will work well if your body is in good structural balance.

Many medical insurance companies cover Osteopathy, if you are considering using your insurance please contact your insurer prior to treatment to check the terms and the level of cover you have. Please note that we ask patients to pay for their treatment first and then reclaim the cost back from their insurer.